.. _cli::p3-project-subsystems: ##################### p3-project-subsystems ##################### ************************************** Project Subsystems onto BV-BRC Genomes ************************************** .. code-block:: perl p3-project-subystems.pl [ options ] outDir genome1 genome2 ... genomeN This script will examine BV-BRC genomes and project subsystems onto them. The resulting GTOs will be output to the specified output directory. Parameters ========== The positional parameters are the name of the output directory followed by one or more BV-BRC genome IDs. The command-line options are the following: - roleFile Name of a tab-delimited file containing [role checksum, subsystem name] pairs. - variantFile Name of a tab-delimited file containing in each record (0) a subsystem name, (1) a variant code, and (2) a space-delimited list of role checksums.