.. _cli::p3-submit-BLAST: ############### p3-submit-BLAST ############### ********************** Submit a BLAST Request ********************** This script submits a request to submit a BLAST job to BV-BRC. It is a swiss army knife, accepting two sources of query input of two types and five sources of subject input of four types. ************** Usage Synopsis ************** .. code-block:: perl p3-submit-BLAST [options] output-path output-name Start a BLAST job, producing output in the specified workspace path, using the specified name for the base filename of the output files. Command-Line Options ==================== - --workspace-path-prefix Prefix to be put in front of the output path. This is optional, and is provided for uniformity with other commands. - --workspace-upload-path Name of workspace directory to which local files should be uplaoded. - --overwrite If a file to be uploaded already exists and this parameter is specified, it will be overwritten; otherwise, the script will error out. - --in-type The type of input-- \ ``dna``\ or \ ``aa``\ . The default is \ ``aa``\ . - --db-type The type of database to search-- \ ``fna``\ (contig DNA), \ ``ffn``\ (feature DNA), \ ``frn``\ (RNA), or \ ``faa``\ (protein). The default is \ ``faa``\ . - --evalue-cutoff Maximum e-value cutoff. The default is \ ``1e-5``\ . - --max-hits The maximum number of hits to return per query. The default is \ ``10``\ . - --min-coverage The minimum percent coverage for an acceptable hit. The default is \ ``0``\ . The following options specify the input (query) sequences. Only one may be specified. - --in-id-list Comma-delimited list of sequence IDs. These must be feature IDs. - --in-fasta-file FASTA file of sequences. If this is a DNA local file, it will be uploaded as \ ``feature_dna_fasta``\ . If it is an amino acid local file, it will be uploaded as \ ``feature_protein_fasta``\ . The following options specified the subject (database) sequences. Only one may be specified. - --db-fasta-file FASTA file of sequences. If this is a contig local file, it will be uploaded as \ ``contigs``\ . If it is a feature DNA local file or an RNA local file, it will be uploaded as \ ``feature_dna_fasta``\ . If it is a protein file, it will be uploaded as \ ``feature_protein_fasta``\ . - --db-genome-list A comma-delimited list of genome IDs. Alternatively, the name of a local file (tab-delimited with headers) containing a list of genome IDs in the first column. - --db-taxon-list A comma-delimited list of taxon IDs. - --db-database The name of a pre-computed database-- currently \ ``RefSeq``\ (reference and representative genomes), \ ``BV-BRC``\ (all prokaryotic genomes), \ ``Plasmids``\ (all plasmids), or \ ``Phages``\ all phages. The following options are provided for user assistance and debugging. - --help Display the command-line usage and exit. - --dry-run Display the JSON submission string and exit without invoking the service or uploading files.