.. _cli::p3-tbl-to-fasta: ############### p3-tbl-to-fasta ############### ************************************* Convert a Tab-Delimited File to FASTA ************************************* .. code-block:: perl p3-tbl-to-fasta.pl [options] idCol seqCol This script will convert a tab-delimited file containing sequence data to a FASTA file. The tab-delimited file is taken from the standard input; the FASTA file will be the standard output. Parameters ========== The positional parameters are the index (1-based) or name of the column containing the sequence IDs and the index or name of the column containing the sequences. The standard input can be overriddn using the options in :ref:`cli-input-options`. The following additional command-line options are supported. - comment The index (1-based) or name of the column containing comment text. If omitted, no comment text is included in the output. If multiple comment columns are specified (using multiple instancs of the option), they will be concatenated with a tab. - nohead If specified, the standard input will be presumed to have no headers.