# 26th International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology (VEME) ## Panama City, Panama ## August 21 – 26, 2022 The BV-BRC participated in the [26th International Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology (VEME2022)](https://veme-fiocruzbr.ceri.africa/veme/) in Panama City, Panama on August 21–26, 2022. The workshop comprised 6 full days of theoretical lectures, practical sessions and keynote presentations. We have made the BV-BRC workshop material presented at VEME publicly available for the following modules: * [Introduction to the BV-BRC](../_static/workshops/VEME2022_BV-BRC_overview_final.pdf) * [Software practice for de novo assembly](../_static/workshops/VEME2022_BV-BRC_tutorial_final.pdf) * [Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)](../_static/workshops/NGS_Overview_Scheuermann_AUG2022_final.pdf) * [Transcriptomics, RNASeq, scRNAseq](../_static/workshops/Transcriptomics_Scheuermann_AUG2022_final.pdf) * [RNA-Seq Practical Example](../_static/workshops/RNAseq_practical_intro_D68.pdf) * [Practice for transcriptomics, RNASeq](../_static/workshops/VEME2022_RNA-Seq_exercise_final.pdf)